Abbie Rose

Abbie Rose

Crew Member, Inn Keeper, Merchant, and Wife to Guyven Rose

Abbie and Guyven Rose
Abbie and Guyven Rose
Abbie and Guyven Rose

Abbie and Guyven Rose3-10-2022

Life of Abbie

Abbie Rose is in her mid-thirties and enjoys the comfort of a good tome at night with a glass of wine in the hot tub. Though she would love to have children, that is impossible for her due to being shot in the gut while trying to make a purchase at a marketplace. Abbie is lucky to be alive but that bullet changed her life forever.Nowadays, she has the crew, her friends, and recently a special person has entered her life. This special person has even moved in and the hot tub is not as lonely as it was.I am sure there are more stories to come of Abbie and Hawke.

The Shot that changed my life.
The Shot that changed my life.

Secrets About Abbie

Abbie is color blind and pink is probably one of the few colors she sees clearly. She loves to sew and make little things, she cooks fairly decent meals, with the exception of fish, and her favorite hobby is reading tomes. Sometimes she will write her own stories about life’s adventures, but usually, it is about her nightmares.Abbie's family's secrets and what she witnessed at home would sometimes trouble her at night. Abbie's father had lost his mind in the military after many years of fighting in battles. Abbie's father decided one day that he had had enough of the military life, killing and shite, so he broke into his captain's quarters and destroyed every piece of furniture inside. They could not prove it was Abbie's father but for some reason, he had the same picture at home as the captain had in his office that was now missing. No grunt would have the gil to afford such an expensive piece. Abbie's father lied to them and got away with it since Abbie's mother was one of the best weavers in the city; she turned a fine profit from her garments and fine clothes. Abbie's mother lied to the captain and said she bought it off a merchant in Gridania. Abbie's father went on to become a thief, robbing businesses and other wealthy people and bringing those stolen items back to their house. So Abbie and her mother learned how to sell those items on the black market.As for Abbie being a bit color blind which affected her ability to match colors as a seamstress, she developed a talent for selling goods but still loves to weave cloth. Thus she meets other merchants and traders and learned where she could pawn, trade, and move items without getting too noticed since she was already well to do.

The Shot that Changed my Life

The Shot that changed my life.

Pictures of Abbie's Adventures!

Thank you for visiting Abbie Rose!!!